Check out my people!

You should go check out my darling Reginald’s stuff! Here is his tumblr. Also, he has a webcomic and and ask blog and a place to infodump. Oh, and he also has a youtube channel! You should befriend him. He’s really cool, sweet, silly, and a super talented artist.

Y’all you should also check out my friend Kris! She’s super awesome and has really cool interests! (And she knows a lot of stuff too) Also they’re real good at chess :3
They’re also the one who got me into anime lol
pinterest - github - twitch - tumblr -

You should also check out my friend Lynx! They’re chill, really cool, and have awesome music taste. Also the stuff they reblog on tumblr is cool, so I recommend giving them a follow there!

And don’t forget to stop by my friend Garden’s account! They’re really cool and very sweet. :3